Labor Archive

Erik Forman was recently fired for labor organizing, although that was not the official explanation given by Starbucks.
People want to preserve, rather than destroy, the historic landmark built in the 1920s.
Incoming UC Santa Cruz students and their families got an official orientation to college on July 17th while campus service workers were striking for the fourth day in a row.
July 14th kicked off AFSCME's five day strike at the University of California's ten campuses and five medical centers.
On June 6th, George Blumenthal was inaugurated as the 10th Chancellor of UC Santa Cruz during a ceremony on the East Field overlooking the Monterey Bay.
The central issue has been that wages have fallen dramatically behind other hospitals and California’s community colleges.
The All-Alumni Reunion Luncheon was interrupted when students marched in demanding fair contracts for UCSC's underpaid service workers.
Hundreds of prospective and current UC Santa Cruz students demonstrated their solidarity with UC workers by demanding that UC settles a fair contract.
AFSCME Local 3299 members feel that UC has been taking advantage of working students by hiring them to do the same work as AFSCME Local 3299 members but for less pay and benefits.