Peace & War Archive

Tens of thousands overfilled the streets of Santa Cruz for the historic Women's March Santa Cruz County, held in conjunction with the Women's March on Washington.
"Louis was a teacher who was fiercely dedicated to justice. He was always supportive and involved in our community work and campaigns." -Jenn Laskin
More than 150 people participated in the annual march to commemorate the lives of community members who have been killed since 1994.
While participants held over 150 placards, one person chanted to pedestrians on Pacific, "These are the names of some of the kids killed by U.S. drones."
Over 350 people marched in the annual Peace and Unity March on the unusually hot Sunday afternoon of September 30, 2012 in downtown Watsonville, CA.
To honor victims of gang-related violence and push for an end to the violence in the community.
Dozens of people came together in Santa Cruz to rally at the clock tower and march down Pacific Avenue in solidarity with WikiLeaks.
Don’t Kill Other People. Don’t Kill Yourself. Don’t Join the Military.
The day before the RNC, Veterans for Peace held a rally in front of the state capitol building in St. Paul, Minnesota followed by a solemn march.