Raging Grannies Archive

Mothers breastfed their babies and displayed photos removed by Facebook as part of a coordinated and widespread campaign in support of the rights of breastfeeding mothers and their children everywhere.
The tree-sit drew to a close that morning when UC police seized control of Science Hill and arrested the last remaining tree-sitter.
The City of Santa Cruz took measures trying to prevent the weekly gathering and drum circle in Parking Lot #4 alongside the Farmer's Market.
The Navy and other branches of the military wanted to avoid dealing with the Raging Grannies, so they, closed on December 15, 2007.
Raging Grannies and friends rallied to keep Campbell a hate-free zone, stop the militarization of the border, and protest the Minutemen.
Protestors converged on the Military Recruitment Center in Capitola "to end the war in Iraq now, and to work for a future of peace and justice for all."
Bruce Gagnon, founder and director of the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space, spoke at the Louden Nelson Community Center.