Labor Archive

Hundreds of people bargained for better wages and working conditions for AFSCME members at the nine UC campuses and five medical centers.
On Wednesday November 10, 2004, the members of Local 3299 AFSCME will be having a major rally when UC representatives come to the campus for state-wide bargaining. The rally will take place at 12:00 noon in front of the Baytree Bookstore on the UCSC campus.
Yadira Ramirez, a 16 year-old from Watsonville, spoke about the upcoming Pilgrimage Supporting Immigrants and Farmworkers.
The march and rally demonstrated strong solidarity between workers throughout the UC system as well as between workers and students at UCSC.
Genetic Diversity of Maize
NAFTA has forced millions of subsistence farmers to migrate to other parts of Mexico and the US. Before NAFTA went into effect in 1994, Mexican farmers had been protected from the inexpensive, low quality, and mass-produced corn grown in the US.