Labor Archive

What is UFW (United Farm Workers) doing to support farmworkers fighting for justice in San Quintín, México and Washington state? Nothing.
Watsonville community members support the boycott against Driscoll's, the world famous berry company headquartered in their town.
After a series of strikes in 2013 at Sakuma Brothers Farms in Washington state, farmworkers formed a union in response to denial of lunch and rest breaks, inhumane housing conditions, wage theft, below minimum wage pay, and harassment from supervisors.
Farmworkers declare "we have suffered reprisals, mass dismissals, constant threats, increased workload for the same salary, and are obligated to join corporate unions that have never represented us, in exchange for keeping our jobs, among other labor abuses."
“Thank you to all the people who enter the stores and raise the consciousness of the consumers, because we are going to win this struggle together with you all.” – Maestra Gloria
Workers who grow, harvest, and pack Driscoll’s lucrative berries are struggling against the systematic abuses they are forced to endure, and the companies profiting from the exploitation of their collective labor.
In Santa Cruz, over 500 people rallied at the County Courthouse to support local public service workers, as well as those in Wisconsin and other states.
The ILWU Local 10 longshore workers closed all bay area ports with the demand "Justice for Oscar Grant! Jail Killer Cops!"
On September 24, students, faculty, staff and alumni at UC schools participated in a day of coordinated walkouts and rallies in defense of public education.