Peace & War Archive

Students un-welcomed the military to UC Santa Cruz and disrupted their attempts to recruit during the "Career" Fair.
Protests and vigils were held across the nation on March 24th following an announcement the day before of 4,000 dead US soldiers in Iraq.
The Navy and other branches of the military wanted to avoid dealing with the Raging Grannies, so they, closed on December 15, 2007.
Protestors converged on the Military Recruitment Center in Capitola "to end the war in Iraq now, and to work for a future of peace and justice for all."
The United States Army and United States Marine Corps were notably absent from this year's Job Fair at UC Santa Cruz.
In response to the Zapatista call for global solidarity with the people of Oaxaca, about 40 students and workers rallied and marched at UC Santa Cruz.
On August 9, Nagasaki Day, 11 civilian weapons inspectors drove up Empire Grade Road and marched the last 1/2 mile to the gates of Lockheed Martin.
Demonstrators called for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq, the removal of George Bush, and for government money to be spent on education instead of warfare.
About a dozen people held a vigil at the town clock in Santa Cruz to protest the state-sponsored premeditated murder of Michael Morales.