
Nov. 20th Day of Solidarity with Oaxaca at UC Santa Cruz

In response to the Zapatista call for global solidarity with the people of Oaxaca and in coordination with demonstrations all over the world on November 20th, about 40 students and workers rallied and marched at UC Santa Cruz. Ashish Sahni, UCSC's Assistant Chancellor since May 15th, 2006, met outside with students who marched to Kerr Hall. Students requested that George Blumenthal, UCSC's Chancellor since July 14th, 2006, issue a public statement supporting the people of Oaxaca. Sahni listened to students explain their concerns about the situation in Oaxaca and ensured the students that he would bring their concerns to Blumenthal, who according to Sahni, was in Oakland at the time of the rally.

Students rallied in the Bay Tree Plaza before marching to Kerr Hall. Though relatively small in numbers, the march was energetic with chants such as:

"Ya cayó, ya cayó, Ulises ya cayó! (He’s out, he’s out, Ulises is out!)",

"Oaxaca no es cuartel, fuera ejército de el (Oaxaca is not an army base, army* out of Oaxaca)",

"APPO aguanta, el pueblo se levanta (APPO leads, the community rises)",

"Oaxaca vive, la lucha sigue, Oaxaca vive, vive, la lucha, sigue, sigue (Oaxaca lives, the struggle continues, Oaxaca lives, lives, the struggle continues, continues)",

"los maestros luchando también están enseñando (the teachers struggling are also teaching)"

"la gente pintando también están luchando (the people painting are also struggling)" and

"el pueblo unido, jama's sera' vencido" (the people united will never be defeated).

* It is the Federal Preventative Police (PFP), that are currently occupying Oaxaca City, not the Mexican army.

For more information, please see:
Oaxaca Solidarity Demonstrations in the US on Monday, November 20th

El Enemigo Común || Oaxaca Resources || Donate in Solidarity with Oaxaca


Crossposted at Indybay.org.

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