On September 24th, students, faculty, staff and alumni at University of California (UC) schools participated in a day of coordinated walkouts and rallies in defense of the future of public education. Hundreds rallied at the base of the UC Santa Cruz campus to protest the privatization of the UC system, which includes student fee hikes, faculty and staff furloughs and layoffs, executive pay increases, and cuts to courses, programs and services. The University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) held a daylong strike at all UC schools, with pickets at the main and west entrances of UCSC from 6am - 6pm.
Rallies took place at the base of UCSC, amplified courtesy of People Power!'s human-powered bicycle generator, at 12pm and 3:30pm. After the 3:30pm rally, students marched and occupied the intersection by the Bay Tree Plaza. From there, it was announced that a building occupation was underway, and people moved to the Bay Tree Plaza to support an ongoing of the Graduate Student Commons.
For more information and to sign a petition, please visit:
http://www.ucfacultywalkout.com and http://www.upte.org
Strikes and Walkouts Against Budget Cuts, Fee Hikes, Layoffs, Furloughs at UC
UC Santa Cruz Students Occupy Graduate Student Commons
Crossposted at Indybay.org.