Community Archive

Peace and human rights activists spent their day at the Live Oak Grange preparing the Santa Cruz contingent of this years Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba.
Malik Rahim, a longtime community activist in New Orleans and SF, spoke in SF about the situation in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
The event was a way for Shreveport, Bogalousa and New Orleans, Louisiana to say "Thank You" to Santa Cruz community members.
A community yard sale benefiting survivors of Hurricane Katrina took place at the United Methodist Church in Santa Cruz.
Boy Working on Puzzle
We headed to Reliant Arena to find out more information about Katrina survivors being transferred from the Arena to Fort Chaffee, a military base in Arkansas.
Laundromat in New Orleans
On September 9th, Vinny and I arrived in Houston, Texas along with Blank from Portland, Oregon to provide aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Dozens of authors, community activists, and supporters organized an Emergency 24-hour "Read-In" outside the Cesar Chavez Public Library in Salinas.
This was the official kickoff for a community-wide referendum campaign to halt the single largest development in the city since UC Santa Cruz.
FCC Agents, backed by armed US Marshals, raided Free Radio Santa Cruz on September 29, 2004.