Environment Archive

Ron, a Westside homeowner, said that this year's crop of oranges was the most tasty and abundant in the tree's lifetime.
Lighthouse Point is a fun location for photography, as the sun rises and sets over the Monterey Bay, and a constantly changing pattern of light dances off the rolling waves.
September 15 was Coastal Cleanup Day 2012 in the Monterey Bay. At Seabright Beach in Santa Cruz, volunteers included local families as well as teachers and students from schools in Cupertino, Fremont and San José.
On August 25, Tarah Locke, Patti Bond and Melissa DeVera, tabled for GMO-Free Santa Cruz and Yes on Prop 37 at the 2012 Wellness Fair in downtown Santa Cruz.
The Santa Cruz Fruit Tree Project is run entirely by volunteers who help to scout and map trees, and organize harvests and workshops.
Supporters of GMO-Free Santa Cruz and Proposition 37 on the California ballot, marched and sang along Pacific Avenue to raise awareness about the proposition, and encourage people to vote in favor of it.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary stretches along the central California coast and encompasses 6,094 square miles of ocean area.
Demonstrators say the North Coast Cell project is a threat to views, endangered species and resident safety.
The Student Environmental Center at UCSC hosted the 11th Annual Campus Earth Summit at UC Santa Cruz.