Santa Cruz SlutWalk took the sidewalks to make a unified statement about sexual assault and victims' rights, to demand respect for all, and re-appropriate the term slut.
More than a hundred people united in Santa Cruz, along with cities across the nation, to demonstrate their disgust with systemic violence against women.
"One Big Earthquake and You're All Homeless" was the message greeting travelers at Ocean and Water, one of the busiest intersections in Santa Cruz County.
Someone crossed out the "SS" lightning bolt tag in yellow chalk on the wall next to the pay phone on Lincoln Street, and wrote "Kill Nazis" underneath.
Shortly before midnight, Santa Cruz County Sheriffs began to awaken and arrest constitutional lawyer Edward Frey as he slept on the County Courthouse plaza.
August 3 was the 31st day of Santa Cruz Peace Camp 2010, a protest at the county courthouse against the City of Santa Cruz municipal code known as the Sleeping Ban.