Outreach Archive

On July 3, a busy pre-holiday afternoon in downtown Santa Cruz, numerous stores were displaying a declaration printed by local homeless rights advocates.
Community members, organized by the newly formed Alliance Against Gang Enhancements, rallied and passed out flyers at the Courthouse in Santa Cruz.
The HidroAysen project involves 3 dams on the Pascua River and 2 dams on the Baker River that would flood globally rare forest ecosystems and some of the most productive agricultural land in the Aysen region.
Mothers breastfed their babies and displayed photos removed by Facebook as part of a coordinated and widespread campaign in support of the rights of breastfeeding mothers and their children everywhere.
People want to preserve, rather than destroy, the historic landmark built in the 1920s.
The All-Alumni Reunion Luncheon was interrupted when students marched in demanding fair contracts for UCSC's underpaid service workers.
Centolia Maldonado Vasquez and Bernardo Ramirez Bautista gave presentations in Greenfield and at UC Santa Cruz on indigenous Mexican migration to the U.S.
Hundreds of prospective and current UC Santa Cruz students demonstrated their solidarity with UC workers by demanding that UC settles a fair contract.
The demonstration coincided with AFSCME Local 3299's statewide delegations to all five UC medical center CEOs and all ten campus Chancellors.