Police Archive

The Great Morgani announced he will no longer be performing in downtown Santa Cruz "due to the recent strict enforcement of current ordinances".
Demonstrators paraded through town while spreading the word about the Santa Cruz Eleven, playing music, dancing, and having fun.
Sin Barras and other community members demonstrated at the Clock Tower in downtown Santa Cruz to say, "NO MORE MONEY FOR JAILS!"
Sin Barras demands, "Real healthcare, eliminate pretrial detention, and create drug treatment centers and welfare programs outside of Santa Cruz County Jail.
Santa Cruz Indymedia photographers Bradley Allen and Alex Darocy were charged with conspiracy, trespassing, and vandalism, because they reported on the occupation of an empty Wells Fargo building in Santa Cruz.
The behavior exhibited by SCPD officer Travis Ahlers at me is a form of a bullying.
Approximately 50 supporters of the Santa Cruz Eleven packed into Department 6 of the Santa Cruz Courthouse on August 20 2012, for a hearing before Judge Paul Burdick to decide if the case against the seven remaining defendants would be dismissed.
The August 17 readiness hearing for seven of the Santa Cruz Eleven drew to a close with optimism for the defendants, and a weekend of work for District Attorney Rebekah Young.
The seven remaining defendants in the 75 River Street case will have a preliminary hearing before Judge Burdick on August 20th.