Watsonville Archive

Hundreds of families, students and workers participated in May Day activities in Watsonville which included a rally in the plaza with speakers.
The MigraWatch Network has become a dynamic grouping of people and organizations based in Watsonville dedicated to securing human rights for all people.
Al Rojas of Sacramento and Fernando Mendoza from the Peoples Popular Assembly of Oaxaca (APPO) spoke to a packed house in Watsonville.
Friends and families of the victims of violence, as well as community activists, passionately marched through Watsonville neighborhoods.
A protest against "Operation Return To Sender" took place in the Watsonville Plaza on September 24th.
While traveling through Watsonville on June 1st, I came across a grid of four inch figures representing "every person who has died in Iraq since we invaded."
Activists were able to outreach to almost everyone in attendance. Most people were very receptive to learning about the lifestyles and living conditions of circus animals.
On Monday, May 1st, International Workers Day, students and workers at UC Santa Cruz walked picket lines at the base of campus and west entrance to support the rights of immigrants and all people.
On April 17th, 2006, the Watsonville Brown Berets held the 6th annual Youth and Power. The theme was "Brown and Black Pride" and the event, held on a Monday night, brought together more than thousand people from 'Los Atzlan' to the Bay Area.