Anarchism Now Conference at UC Santa Cruz

On Saturday, May 7, 2005 the UCSC Anarchism Research Cluster and the Center for Cultural Studies hosted a one-day conference and conversation exploring and contextualizing contemporary anarchism. The conference took place from 9:30am - 6:00pm in Oakes 105.

Organizing questions included: How can we think adequately about anarchism's place in current social justice movements? What resources does anarchism present us for addressing the current moment? What is it about this current conjuncture that resonates with anarchism? How might anarchism be a part of re-politicizing the academic left?

The conference included two panels with ample time for discussion, and an extended lunch discussion. Conference speakers include Iain Boal, Arif Dirlik, Carwil James, John Holloway, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Barry Pateman, Roger White, and Eddie Yuen.

The open form of the conference facilitated a roundtable atmosphere for all to participate actively.

Lunchtime was one of the best parts of the conference. We ate healthy veggie sandwiches, looked at anarchist zines and talked in small groups about societal issues raised during the first part of the conference.

Second Panel and Closing Discussion from the Anarchism Now Conference

Second Panel "Gods of Market, Gods of State," "Means and Ends"

(Total = 1 hour and 42 minutes)

Maia Ramnath introduces the panel (2:43 minutes)
John Holloway, "Changing the World without Taking Power" (18:56 minutes)
Eddie Yuen, "The Uses of Chaos: Disaster, Accumulation, and Popular Anarchism" (15:30 minutes)
Carwil James, on Subjectivities of Resistance (24:19)
Roger White, "Post-Colonial Anarchism" (9:34 minutes)
The closing discussion includes John Holloway, Eddie Yuen, Carwil James, Roger White, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and Ian Boal. (28:15 minutes)


Crossposted at Santa Cruz Indymedia: Photos & Audio.

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