Palestine Awareness Week is taking place at UC Santa Cruz from May 7th through May 10th and began with a Check Point established in the Baytree Plaza. Five Palestinians were being detained for no apparent reason while two Israeli soldiers mentally and physically abused the detainees and prevented them from leaving the prison cell. One Palestinian women plead over and over to be released because she was pregnant and worried should would lose her baby. Unsympathetically, the solider told her to keep quite and replied that he was also pregnant. The two Israeli soldiers communicated to each other in Hebrew while speaking English with Hebrew accents to the blindfolded, handcuffed and detained Palestinians.
One woman, presumably a student at UC Santa Cruz, was almost at the point of tears when she witnessed the check point. She was not upset about the reality of check points in the daily lives of Palestinians, rather she was angry at the portrayal of the check point in the Baytree Plaza at UCSC. She tried to confront the Palestinians who were detained, but an organizer of the demonstration quickly intervened so that the Israeli soldiers could go on with their harassment and the Committee for Justice in Palestine organizer debated the situation of occupied Palestine.
Educational events are taking place all week at UC Santa Cruz, so come on up to the city on a hill to learn about nonviolent resistance to the occupation, Israel's ongoing violations of international laws and the daily life for Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories.
Free, Free, Free Palestine!
¡Viva La Lucha de los Pueblos Oprimidos!
Palestine Awareness Week at UC Santa Cruz
May 7th through 10th
Monday May 7
Lecture: Scott Kennedy; Classroom Unit I, 7pm
Nonviolent Resistance to the Occupation
Tuesday May 8
Movie Screening: Occupation 101
Classroom Unit I @ 7:00pm
Wednesday May 9
UCSC Professors on Israel and International Law
Engineering 101, 7pm
Thursday May 10
Cultural Night: Spoken Word, Dabke Dancing, Belly Dancing, Free Middle Eastern Food and Much More!
Merrill Cultural Center @ 7:00pm
All events are presented by the Committee for Justice in Palestine
For disability accommodations, please call SOAR at 831.459.2934
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