Critical Mass is a monthly, community bike ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. Critical Mass has no leaders, and no central organization, it's an unorganized coincidence. A movement of bicycles in the streets. Show up to the clocktower in downtown Santa Cruz the last Friday of each month at 5pm with your favorite human powered transportation for a celebration of life and bicycles! Bring all of your friends and family for a wonderful ride around Santa Cruz. Critical Mass leaves at 5:30pm.
The Santa Cruz Critical Mass Bike Ride on May 26th included riding on West Cliff, through the Beach Flats and past the guarded Boardwalk.
Here are links to more Santa Cruz Critical Mass Bike Ride! photos I've published on Santa Cruz Indymedia
January's Critical Mass Bike Ride -- Jan 2005
Critical Mass; Bikes Over Branciforte -- Feb 2005
Halloween Critical Massers Ride the Streets of Santa Cruz -- Oct 2005
February Critical Mass in Santa Cruz -- Feb 2006
Critical Mass Bike Ride Rolls the Boardwalk -- April 2006
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