On June 7, 2005, supporters and members from the Wo/men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana rallied at the Town Clock in downtown Santa Cruz to denounce the recent Supreme Court decision banning the use of cannabis to relive pain and suffering. Many people wore black and held signs with photographs of WAMM patients that have passed away.
The Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana (WAMM) is a collective of seriously ill patients who work to educate the general public regarding the medical benefits of marijuana, and to insure that patients, who have a recommendation from their physician, have safe access to legal, natural supply of Marijuana for the treatment of terminal and debilitating illness.
WAMM works closely with local law enforcement and the legal community, leading the movement to uphold the Democratic process by bringing the issue of medical marijuana use before the people of California through proposition 215. California's citizens voted overwhelmingly in support of the proposition.
Nonetheless, in direct violation of Democracy and California law, on September. 5th 2002, the DEA raided the WAMM garden and using chainsaws, destroyed the medicine belonging to 250 patients, 85% of them terminally ill. WAMM has since filed charges against the Federal Government, demanding that this medicine be returned. Currently, however, we regret that we are unable to accept any new patients.
See Also:
Supreme Court Bans Medical Marijuana Everywhere!
Supreme Court Overturns 9th Circuit Decison in Favor of Medical Marijuana
Crossposted at Santa Cruz Indymedia.