
Downtown Holiday Parade in Santa Cruz

The 2012 Downtown Holiday Parade took place on Saturday, December 1 on Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz, California. It is not known which year the parade began, however it has been a community tradition for over 70 years. Although the weather was stormy on Friday, and more showers are expected Sunday, the parade did not get rained on.

Chip, a coordinator of the parade and Executive Director of the Downtown Association of Santa Cruz, writes, "For me, the magic of the Holiday Parade goes beyond just the amazing sensory experience that happens at this festive occasion. The very idea that for one day, despite the challenges that we face as a community, despite the disagreements and differences of opinions, beliefs and philosophies, a significant cross-section of the Santa Cruz community comes together and moves in the same direction for the singular reason of celebration."


The following photos were taken with a mobile phone and published using Instagram.

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