Community Vigil in Beach Flats to Support Elvira Arellano

On August 24th, dozens of community members gathered in Beach Flats Park for a vigil in solidarity with Elvira Arellano and all of the other families in risk of separation because of the US government's inhumane immigration laws and selective enforcement practices. The emergency rally and vigil was coordinated by M.E.Ch.A. de La Tierra with the support of a handful of local organizations. People spoke about the case of Elvira Arellano, who, with her son Saul, has become a national symbol of the destruction of families by federal policy.

For more information about the Beach Flats vigil, see:

CommUNITY Vigil to Denounce Elvira Arellano's Deportation and Celebrate Her Courage
Immigrant Mother Inspires us to continue the struggle for Human and Civil Rights.

For more information about the arrest of Elvira Arellano and the nationwide protests, see:

Elvira Arellano Arrested by ICE; Deported to Tijuana

And, check out Bush's Immigration Clampdown by David Bacon at The Nation.


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